Aid taxpayers, alert voters

Essay At A Glance

2004 is here, and once again Tim Eyman is launching a signature drive for another destructive initiative that would eviscerate it vital public services. We at Permanent Defense are ready to fight back. To guide our work this year, we’ve adopted a new motto: Aid taxpayers, alert voters.

What does that mean? It’s simple: We’ll aid taxpayers by providing them with useful information to understand the connections between the taxes they pay and the vital public services they get in return. And we’ll alert voters that schemes like I-864 come from Tim Eyman, who is making a name for himself as one of the most notorious con men in Washington’s history.

We’ll do this in part by continuing to transform this website into a clearinghouse of useful information, where the public can learn about the destructive impacts of past right wing initiatives and the cost and consequences of proposed right wing initiatives from Tim Eyman and other malicious actors.

Here’s a simple site map for the new and improved

  • About Us: Offers a concise history of the project plus mission & vision statement
  • Contact Us: Interact with us. Give us feedback or send your comments
  • Voters Want Better Choices: Our platform for real tax reform
  • Essays: Commentary opposing Tim Eyman’s proposals
  • Dangerous Initiatives: Learn about the harm caused by Eyman’s previous schemes
  • Reasons to Oppose Eyman’s Latest: A clear breakdown of our arguments
  • Public Services In Trouble: Learn about the impact to public services
  • Editorials & Cartoons: Relevant editorials, columns, & cartoons
  • Interviews with Critics: Don’t just take our word for it

All of the new content we’ve published was created to support our efforts to make the site more accessible and helpful to voters and taxpayers alike.

Tim, on the other hand, is using his email list to continually shake his electronic tin cup. He’s now spending half the year trying to raise money for himself and his associates Jack and Mike Fagan.

While Eyman seeks profit, we seek a more educated and informed citizenry. So, look around! Do some reading. Send us your feedback. We’re happy to hear from you, and we welcome any suggestions you might have for this crucially important project.

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What we do

Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002