Eyman hit with charges, case going to Attorney General

Eye on Money: Developments

Today, the Public Disclosure Commission, widely known as the campaign watchdog agency, referred the investigation and charges against Tim Eyman’s deception to Attorney General Christine Gregoire’s office. The investigation has found Eyman guilty of civil charges on five counts.

(To read these, go the Press Box or choose PDC from the Links page).

The case has been referred to the Attorney General, who can seek much higher fines than the $2,500 the PDC is allowed. Eyman remained defiant and said he had not broke the law. He and his lawyer vowed to challenge the issue in court, but left open the possibility of a settlement with the state.

Eyman’s two years of deception have been highlighted in recent days, as the media prints his emails and reports on the PDC findings.

To read more, head to the Press Box for media coverage.

The charges:

  1. Eyman used campaign funds to pay personal expenses and to benefit his fraternity watch business, Insignia Corp.
  2. Eyman and the campaign fund failed to keep adequate records to substantial expense reimbursements to Eyman.
  3. The campaign, Karr and Eyman failed to properly report in-kind contributions to the campaign from the for-profit business and failed to properly account for debts and obligations incurred by the campaign.
  4. Eyman and the campaign used campaign donations to contribute to the Republican Party and another initiative campaign organization.
  5. The PAC failed to report that Eyman was serving as the de facto campaign treasurer from January 2001, to February of this year.
Tim is back…and he has more lies to spread

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