Action Center launches

AnnouncementsBallot Watchdogging

In response to Tim Eyman’s launch of Initiative 864 ballot petitions, we’ve created a completely new section intended just to help site visitors get involved. Thus, the new Permanent Defense Action Center was created and is now online. What’s at the action center? We’ve included six different things that you can do to become more involved.

  • Write Your Local Newspaper. We’ve created a form that allows you to recieve customized lists of newspapers and the contact information for their Opinion editors. The form is easy to fill out and includes four simple steps.
  • Contact Your Legislators. We’ve provided links so that it’s easy for you to email your legislators. We’ve also put the legislative hotline on the page if you prefer phone.
  • Download A Flyer. Download the half page or full page Permanent Defense flyer urging readers to remember the importance of public services and to decline to sign Initiative 864.
  • Sign Up for the Mailing List. By joining the mailing list, you can become more informed. If you are reading this now, you are already on the mailing list, so there is no need to subscribe. However, you can urge friends and family to subscribe.
  • Join Permanent Defense. Want to really get involved? Sick of Eyman and his anti-tax rhetoric? Feel the need to do something? Then Permanent Defense is for you!
  • Recommend the Site/Bookmark the Site. You can reccomend Permanent Defense to friends and family. Simply click on the link and send a message via web form to recipients. You can also bookmark the Permanent Defense site for future reference.

Continue to watch the Action Center- new features and ways of getting involved will be added periodically. Extra! will also alert you to changes at the Action Center, for your convenience. Take action today!

Two Years: Statement from the Founder
Eyman proposes gambling-for-tax cuts scheme

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What we do

Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002