Permanent Defense’s post-election December Update is here!


Here at Permanent Defense, we’ve been working hard to improve the experience of our supporters and the general public. We’ve made the following improvements to our site, which we’re excited to share.

  • Critics’ Voices: Completely Redesigned! Critics’ Voices now has more quotes and opinions and a brand new, expanding on click navigational interface. Check out all your favorite critics and read more comments from site visitors.
  • Essays: Our Arguments. Read the new essay from Permanent Defense founder Andrew Villeneuve – Victory a triumph for Washington’s communities.
  • Press Box. The Press Box is now updated, with 24 stories accessible at once, and press archives just a click away. You can find all the articles you’ll ever need.
  • Home Page Improvements. Permanent Defense Home is improved, with a smaller, more streamlined Updates Center and a FAQ Center to help you out with your questions. Latest News is also now divided into three sections: News Brief, Spotlight, and Under the Radar to bring you the latest information from Permanent Defense.
  • Action Center Update. Now you can get your own Permanent Defense button from the Action Center to post on your own website!
  • About Us Update. The About Us page received an update, including a rewritten history of Permanent Defense and a more appealing design.
  • Elections Center. Catch the latest news and analysis on the governor’s race from the Elections Center. Also review results from statewide and federal races.
  • Release Center. From the Release Center, you can read Permanent Defense statements, content that appeared in our e-newsletter, Extra!, download PDFs and other files from our Document Library, and access links to resources on current topics.
  • Dangerous Initiatives. Updated for Initiative 892! Dangerous Initiatives gives you a history of all Eyman initiatives that ever made the ballot, with statistics, analysis, and a look at the effects of each initiative on Washington State.

POSTSCRIPT: Since this iteration of Permanent Defense was released in December of 2004, the site has been significantly reorganized, and many sections of the site have new names. Links are current, but names of pages may not be.

Voters defeat Initiative 892!
Tim Eyman and Dino Rossi: Friends and Allies

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What we do

Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002