The Stranger endorses NO on I-900


An excerpt from their editorial:

A bill passed by the legislature last year already expanded the capabilities of the auditor’s office to do performance audits of state agencies under the oversight of an appointed Citizen’s Advisory Panel—which (unlike Eyman’s version) would prevent the newly empowered auditor from being an unaccountable politicized attack dog. And that brings us to the problem with I-900.

Eyman also wants to give the state auditor the authority to eyeball local agencies outside the auspices of the Advisory Panel. As tipsy as we are right now, we almost missed the fine print that reveals Eyman’s agenda about local agencies: Eyman’s initiative tells the newly empowered auditor to: “aggressively pursue the largest, costliest government entities first…” (i.e., those liberal King County and Seattle agencies).

No thanks, Tim. Both King County and the City of Seattle already have tenacious, independent auditors. We don’t need to turn a state office into an action wing of the Republican Party’s agenda to shrink government. Vote no on I-900.

Municipal League Opposes Initiative 900
Time to Vote….Today is Election Day

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