Defeating Initiative 1033…


Voters defeated Tim Eyman’s Initiative 985 last November. But now Tim Eyman is back with a new initiative that would wreak havoc on our state’s economy, resulting in more layoffs and lost jobs. To learn more about the effort to convince voters to say NO on Initiative 1033 please visit Permanent Defense.

Initiative 985 Defeated!

Congratulations, Washington State.

Voters, give yourselves a big pat on the back for rejecting Initiative 985, a measure that would have harmed our communities and lengthened our commute. I-985’s demise means our buses

Analysis of Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Owen
Permanent Defense responds to Eyman’s submission of signatures for jobs killing Initiative 1033

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Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002