Tim Eyman, master of shameless self-promotion, accuses Senate Democrats of having “a lack of humility and self awareness”

Rethinking and ReframingThreat Analysis

A question for Washington’s press corps: Does the email sent out by Tim Eyman today about last Friday’s chaos in the Senate sound like it was written by an adult?

Because to us it reads like a series of petty schoolyard taunts and put-downs delivered by a third-grader who absolutely refuses to play nice with others.

There’s no substance or truth in this email. It’s just an entertaining pile of meanness. The funniest bit is the last sentence of the first paragraph: “They humiliated themselves publicly but their own lack of humility and self awareness stops them from feeling embarrassed by it.”

That line describes Tim Eyman’s near-constant behavior to a T!

We wonder: How much self-awareness did Tim Eyman gain after he was forced to admit that he took his own supporters’ donations for personal gain?

Here are some of the lowlights from Tim Eyman’s email:

RE:  Olympia’s Democrats throw a childish hissy-fit on Friday, stomping their feet, spitting venom and bile, holding their breath and turning blue … all because (gasp!) they didn’t have the votes but Republicans did – and they’re STILL pouting about it

In November, if Democrats lose their majorities in the state house and/or state senate and/or lose the governorship, it’ll be because they deserve it based on Friday’s childish hissy-fit.  In multiple floor speeches, Senate leader Lisa Brown could not have been more patronizing, superior, holier-than-thou, and condescending.  Wants-to-replace-congressman-Norm-Dicks-who’s-retiring Derek Kilmer nearly bawled like a little baby girl — quivering lip and all.  Craig Pridemore was a sanctimonious blowhard who’s still “searching for a word.”  They humiliated themselves publicly but their own lack of humility and self awareness stops them from feeling embarrassed by it.

Excerpt number two:

Maybe there’s a point when even 3 Democrats get tired of the arrogant, dictatorial, slave-master method of legislative manipulation employed by Speaker Chopp and Senate leader Brown and Governor Gregoire over the past 8 years.  Maybe there’s a point when even 3 Democrats can’t just whore themselves one more time, trading their vote for a bridge in their district and selling out their principles and constituents.  Maybe there’s a point when even 3 Democrats observe the railroading of minority Republicans on a daily basis for 8 years and think to themselves “we’re not omnipotent gods, let’s give some other reform bills a chance to be considered.”

All night long on Friday, the floor speeches by Democrats were pious, hypocritical, and pathetic.  Condescending lectures about abuse-of-process were pathetic and almost laughable.

And finally:

Chris Gregoire, Lisa Brown, Frank Chopp, and the other slave-master Democrats in Olympia have ruled with an iron fist for too long.  Power corrupts — absolute power corrupts absolutely.  These immature, power-obsessed Democrats are illustrating the need for new leadership in Olympia in November.

Eyman had no comment on the particulars of the Senate Republican budget (also supported by three “Democrats”: Rodney Tom, Tim Sheldon, and Jim Kastama).

Nor did he defend Republicans’ failure to gather public input on their proposal. (Republicans pushed their ill-conceived draconian budget out of a back room and directly onto the Senate floor using a little-known parliamentary maneuver called the Ninth Order. Hours later, they voted to approve it and send it over to the House of Representatives, where it faces a very cold reception.)

Just imagine what could happen to our state if Tim Eyman’s cohorts in the Washington State Senate – including I-1053 cosponsors Don Benton, Janea Holmquist Newbry, and Pam Roach – were in charge year-round, as opposed to one day. They’d be gutting our common wealth and eviscerating vital public services under a cloak of darkness. That’s a future our state simply cannot afford.

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