Tim Eyman continues his ugly, stinky, and disgusting behavior with repugnant attack on Jay Inslee

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Yesterday, after the House Democratic caucus unveiled its proposal for a new package of transportation improvements funded primarily by an increase in Washington’s fuel tax, we had a feeling that a hyberbolic rant was on the way from Tim Eyman, who the media has turned into Washington’s most visible and powerful unelected politician.

And sure enough, this morning, such an email arrived, devoid of substance and laden with inappropriate metaphors and a vile personal attack directed at our new governor, Jay Inslee. Eyman wasted no time in striking a low blow.

Candidate Inslee repeatedly promised to veto any tax increase. He said no way to higher transportation taxes in 2013. Inslee said he’d grow jobs to generate more tax revenue. What a lying whore he turned out to be. In recent weeks, he’s made it clear he’ll sign any tax increase the Legislature unilaterally imposes.  Is there any doubt that Inslee would have lost by a landslide if he’d been honest about his tax-hiking plans during the campaign?

Emphasis is ours. Our assessment of this message is that Eyman is being deliberately provocative in order to get his name and viewpoint into follow-up blog posts and stories on the transportation package.

He may already be planning to “apologize” in a few days’ time for his inflammatory comments, so he can garner even more media attention.

We urge reporters, editors, and producers not to take the bait. This isn’t news. Let the only response to this despicable commentary be from his opposition.

Eyman deserves to be called out for his inappropriate and disparaging remarks, but he does not deserve more headlines and on-air mentions by the traditional press. He has already shown he has nothing to contribute to a sane discussion about the value of public services in our state.

So let us do the calling-out, and don’t give Eyman what he wants. Don’t reward his ugly, stinky, and disgusting behavior.

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Tim Eyman again floods reporters’ inboxes with worthless ten-year cost projections

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