Category Archives: Announcements

July Relaunch 2005 goes live


Permanent Defense has been working hard to improve the experience of our visitors. We’ve made the following recent improvements to our site.

Connection & Access

Getting to Permanent Defense and viewing its content has never been easier!

  • Faster loading. Some elements that often failed to load on the old homepage are gone. The homepage has less elements, so it loads more quickly.
  • Simplified home page. The home page is less cluttered and there’s more empty space to ease the strain on your eyes. Accessibility has been improved.
  • More accessible archives. The archives have been completely rebuilt – hundreds of broken links were repaired in an effort to make the Archives work smoothly. Additionally, all the pages in the archives had their navigation button system replaced to allow for a return to the to the archive homepage.

Design & Content

Permanent Defense content is completely revamped and more appealing.

  • Permanent Defense Journal. We’re excited to introduce the new Permanent Defense Journal – an integrated news blog providing instant updates to visitors. It covers everything – from announcing new website content to discussing newspaper editorials to bringing you breaking news stories.
  • Menu Center Update. Two year ago, we pioneered “menu centers” on our website to present important information to site visitors and help you get around faster. The Breaking News Center and the Front Page Release Center remain, but we’ve also added a Campaign Headquarters to help you find more content related to Initiative 900. Menu Centers remain clearly identified by clear, streamlined colored bars and Tahoma font at the top to improve navigation and clutter.
  • More Tahoma. Visitors have repeatedly told us that they wanted more of the Tahoma font because it was clearer to read and looked more high-tech. We’ve done our best to incorporate more Tahoma into the website. You’ll find that almost all PD sections and pages are now in Tahoma font or have Tahoma on them.
  • Better color. Thanks to feedback from site visitors, you’ll find that on every page, and our blue backgrounds lighter and softer, so it’s easier for you to read and navigate Permanent Defense. Our classic red text remains the same hue as before.
  • Reasons to Oppose I-900. Fully updated, Reasons to Oppose I-900 has all the information you need to know about why Initiative 900 is bad for Washington State. It also has resources and additional information.
  • Revamped Action Center. Our new Action Center is cleaner, easier to use, and has more tools and options available to take action.
  • About Us Update. The About Us page recieved a major facelift, including an updated history of Permanent Defense and a more appealing design.
  • New Advocacy Sections. Our new advocacy sections detail good policy that we’re fighting for. There are currently four advocacy sections: Voters Want Better Choices, Growth Management, The Initiative Process, and Supporting Sound Transit. You can access each via our link menu – they’re the blue buttons in the middle.
  • Essays: Our Arguments. With four new essays, and a fifth coming out next week, we’ve got Initiative 900 covered. Read why you should vote no on the initiative and why Eyman is now more reliant than ever on wealthy backers.
  • Press Box. The Press Box has received a major facelift. New stories are now automatically pulled off our newswires to give you the latest news. The Press Box also now includes editorials and commentary.
  • Release Center. From the updated Release Center, you can read Permanent Defense statements, content that appeared in our e-newsletter, Extra!, download PDFs and other files from our Document Library, and access links to resources on current topics.

We hope you enjoy the new site as much as we enjoyed putting it together!

POSTSCRIPT: In conjunction with Permanent Defense’s eighth anniversary in 2010, the project received a major overhaul. The above-mentioned advocacy sections were incorporated into NPI’s website, while the Press Box, Release Center, and Journal were merged together to create the Newsroom. Previous releases and journal entries dating back to 2002 can now be found in the Newsroom.

Welcome to the new Permanent Defense Journal


The Permanent Defense Journal was designed to be an integrated news blog providing instant updates to members, site visitors, and supporters.

It covers everything – from announcing new website content to discussing newspaper editorials to bringing you breaking news stories. It’s built right into our main page, and offers traditional features such as commenting and an RSS feed. It’s your campaign link to Permanent Defense.

Three Years: Statement from the Founder

AnnouncementsThreat Analysis

This week and this month, Permanent Defense is proud to celebrate three years of political activism in Washington State – opposing Tim Eyman, fighting for real tax reform, and promoting the value of public services.

February 2005 marks the end of our third year of operation and the beginning of our fourth.

The last year has been Permanent Defense’s most successful year to date. Working together with our friends and allies, we have accomplished much of what we set out to do a year ago.

Last year, in this statement, I wrote about how imperative it was that we stop Tim Eyman and his initiative factory from causing further devastating harm to Washington State. Thanks to your hard work, and our cooperation with other groups opposed to Eyman, we successfully defeated both I-864 and I-892.

I’d like to reflect on some of the things we’ve accomplished this past year- from February 2004 to February 2005. I’m proud of what this project has been able to accomplish, and I’m confident that we will continue to be successful in our efforts to change Washington State for the better.

  • We defeated Initiative 864 in July of 2004, destroying a threat that would have brought certain disaster to local governments and public services across the state. We fought this issue for a year (June 2003 to July 2004) and won, dispelling Eyman’s myths and rumors about the tax climate.
  • We defeated Initiative 892 in November of 2004, with voters rejecting Eyman’s attempt to proliferate our state with slot machines by a landslide. We mailed flyers, distributed yard signs, appeared in the media, and attended community events to voice our opposition to I-892.
  • We debuted a new e-newsletter for the press – Permanent Defense Focus!, which has helped to counter the lies that Tim Eyman continually feeds the media.
  • We retooled our site through January Launch, July Relaunch, and December Update, with lots of new sections and features, especially the Release Center and the Permanent Defense Forum.
  • We had three times the traffic to our website this year of what we had in 2002 and 2003 combined, with thousands of visits to our site.

In the years since Permanent Defense was founded, Tim Eyman has had one initiative which passed at the polls:  Initiative 776. All of the others have been failures. Eyman is currently is in an 0 for 4 slump and is trying to break out of it by qualifying an initiative to the people that would overload our state with audits.

Eyman’s proposal would have the state shelling out around $90 million every biennium so we can pay to audit every single state agency, program, and account and would require the auditor’s office to expand by four times its current size over the next decade.

Fortunately, the state House and the state Senate are considering much more practical legislation that has the state auditor’s support.

We will continue to vigorously oppose Eyman on all the issues. And we will step up our efforts to fight for real tax reform, including pushing for a state homestead exemption.

We’ll talk about a long term plan for fixing Washington’s tax structure, including alternatives to the state sales tax and the obnoxious “business & occupation tax”. We’ll also talk about tackling the state’s current funding problems.

We will continue to roll out improvements and additions to our website during the next year. So, I hope you’ll stand with us as we embark on the beginning of another year of political activism, and take a moment to pause and reflect on our achievements and accomplishments from the last one.

Thanks for your involvement. Here’s to another successful year!

Permanent Defense’s post-election December Update is here!


Here at Permanent Defense, we’ve been working hard to improve the experience of our supporters and the general public. We’ve made the following improvements to our site, which we’re excited to share.

  • Critics’ Voices: Completely Redesigned! Critics’ Voices now has more quotes and opinions and a brand new, expanding on click navigational interface. Check out all your favorite critics and read more comments from site visitors.
  • Essays: Our Arguments. Read the new essay from Permanent Defense founder Andrew Villeneuve – Victory a triumph for Washington’s communities.
  • Press Box. The Press Box is now updated, with 24 stories accessible at once, and press archives just a click away. You can find all the articles you’ll ever need.
  • Home Page Improvements. Permanent Defense Home is improved, with a smaller, more streamlined Updates Center and a FAQ Center to help you out with your questions. Latest News is also now divided into three sections: News Brief, Spotlight, and Under the Radar to bring you the latest information from Permanent Defense.
  • Action Center Update. Now you can get your own Permanent Defense button from the Action Center to post on your own website!
  • About Us Update. The About Us page received an update, including a rewritten history of Permanent Defense and a more appealing design.
  • Elections Center. Catch the latest news and analysis on the governor’s race from the Elections Center. Also review results from statewide and federal races.
  • Release Center. From the Release Center, you can read Permanent Defense statements, content that appeared in our e-newsletter, Extra!, download PDFs and other files from our Document Library, and access links to resources on current topics.
  • Dangerous Initiatives. Updated for Initiative 892! Dangerous Initiatives gives you a history of all Eyman initiatives that ever made the ballot, with statistics, analysis, and a look at the effects of each initiative on Washington State.

POSTSCRIPT: Since this iteration of Permanent Defense was released in December of 2004, the site has been significantly reorganized, and many sections of the site have new names. Links are current, but names of pages may not be.

Voters support public services in primary

AnnouncementsElection Postmortem

Permanent Defense today released the results of its research into the fate of levies and propositions statewide on the September 14th primary ballot to the public and the press. The research, which took over a week to compile, is an extensive look at levies and propositions from the twenty four counties (out of thirty nine) that had levies and propositions on their primary ballot.

The results indicate an overwhelming support of public services from voters, says NPI’s founder and executive director, Andrew Villeneuve, who launched Permanent Defense in 2002 as a first line of defense against threats to Washington’s common wealth.

“Out of 132 levies and propositions that were on the primary ballot, 100 were approved. That’s a huge measure of success, especially considering that more than half of the measures that were approved required a 60% supermajority vote and 40% minimum turnout, which they met.”

“Voters are willing to pay for increased taxes because they know that their local fire department, library, school district, or parks system needs money to operate,” Villeneuve said. He noted that communities benefit from strong public services.

“The government cannot provide these services for free. It’s important that we fully fund them so that our communities remain safe, vibrant places to live. And funding public services contributes to the economy because it provides good-paying jobs for citizens.”

Tim Eyman, however, often says public expenditures are too high, and rails against elected officials for not lowering taxes.

Voters clearly disagree with this sentiment, as evidenced by their votes in the primary.

The results of local levies and propositions in the primary election are an excellent measure of what voters think about taxes and public services. They surpass polls and surveys as a way to gauge voters’ moods and feelings towards government.

To create the report, Permanent Defense contacted each county’s auditor or elections officials to determine requirements for each levy or proposition’s passage, as well as election returns and a description of the levy or proposition.

The results, broken down and analyzed by county and by category, are accessible on Permanent Defense’s website.

Initiative 864 fails to qualify!

AnnouncementsBallot Watchdogging

WE DID IT!!!! Thanks to all of your hard work and perseverance, and that of our allies and fellow Eyman opponents, we’ve helped to ensure the defeat of I-864.

Eyman first began working on this measure over a year ago. More than 365 days later, Eyman has nothing to show for efforts. Our victory means that thousands of firemen, librarians, and other public services employees can rest comfortably tonight knowing their jobs will not be on the chopping block in November.

We’ve worked hard from the beginning to stop Initiative 864, and we’ve succeeded. It’s obvious that Washingtonians do not support or desire the radical, dangerous proposal that Tim forcefully advocated for over a year. The citizens of this state clearly do not support drastic rollbacks of public services.

Tim’s lack of support was evident in the fact that he couldn’t raise more than $260,000 for Initiative 864, and collected less than 160,000 signatures.

About 198,000 are required and it usually takes more than 230,000 signatures to ensure qualification for the ballot.

Not only is Tim’s support base eroding, but so is the electorate’s patience with Tim. Voters refused to be lured into signing their communities into oblivion. The qualify of life in our state’s communities is clearly more important to Washingtonians than a “slash and burn” approach to taxation.

Our efforts have significantly helped to broaden the public awareness of Initiative 864, and doubtless contributed to its defeat.

To everyone who participated in the effort, joined the complaint to the PDC, wrote letters to the editor or to legislators, to everyone who stood up in their community and called attention to this issue, to everyone who volunteered their time and energy to help get the message out – THANK YOU.

While we have a great victory in the death of Initiative 864, there is still Initiative 892. Tim’s other measure is the largest expansion of gambling in state history and will be on the November ballot. Thousands upon thousands of dollars were contributed by out of state, foreign gambling consortiums that went to hire paid signature gatherers to help the industry buy its way onto the ballot.

In response to the threat of I-892, opponents are forming a powerful coalition of diverse interests, from Native American tribes to the Christian Coalition, to stop this measure. And in a few days, we’re re-launching Permanent Defense to rededicate ourselves to the task of fighting Eyman and I-892.

No matter what lies ahead in the future weeks and months, Permanent Defense will be there, doing its part to oppose Eyman and promote real tax reform.

And we know you’ll be there with us as we move forward on this important mission: to bring fairness and sanity to the tax structure in the state of Washington. We cannot move forward without removing the obstacles in our path, and the biggest obstacle is Tim Eyman.

I-892 most likely will be on the ballot, but I-864 is dead. That’s worth a pause for celebration. And then the fight against expanded gambling in Washington will begin. We’ll be in the thick of it, and we hope you will be too.

Be sure to check back on July 6th for the Permanent Defense July Relaunch!

Have a great Fourth of July, and thank you

Action Center launches

AnnouncementsBallot Watchdogging

In response to Tim Eyman’s launch of Initiative 864 ballot petitions, we’ve created a completely new section intended just to help site visitors get involved. Thus, the new Permanent Defense Action Center was created and is now online. What’s at the action center? We’ve included six different things that you can do to become more involved.

  • Write Your Local Newspaper. We’ve created a form that allows you to recieve customized lists of newspapers and the contact information for their Opinion editors. The form is easy to fill out and includes four simple steps.
  • Contact Your Legislators. We’ve provided links so that it’s easy for you to email your legislators. We’ve also put the legislative hotline on the page if you prefer phone.
  • Download A Flyer. Download the half page or full page Permanent Defense flyer urging readers to remember the importance of public services and to decline to sign Initiative 864.
  • Sign Up for the Mailing List. By joining the mailing list, you can become more informed. If you are reading this now, you are already on the mailing list, so there is no need to subscribe. However, you can urge friends and family to subscribe.
  • Join Permanent Defense. Want to really get involved? Sick of Eyman and his anti-tax rhetoric? Feel the need to do something? Then Permanent Defense is for you!
  • Recommend the Site/Bookmark the Site. You can reccomend Permanent Defense to friends and family. Simply click on the link and send a message via web form to recipients. You can also bookmark the Permanent Defense site for future reference.

Continue to watch the Action Center- new features and ways of getting involved will be added periodically. Extra! will also alert you to changes at the Action Center, for your convenience. Take action today!

Two Years: Statement from the Founder

AnnouncementsThreat Analysis

It’s exciting and amazing to think that Permanent Defense is now two years old and still going strong! As we celebrate our two year birthday, I’d like to say thank you to all our supporters, who have responded to our requests to lobby legislators and promote real tax reform. Those of you who have subscribed to Extra! have done a great thing- you’ve committed yourselves to staying informed on what’s going on in Washington politics.

As in years past, we need to stop Tim to protect our state. And we’re confident that we can do it this year. Tim’s proposal is so downright awful that people are becoming opposed to it as soon as they hear about it.

Initiative 864 is too devastating to ignore. If we don’t act, we will lose the quality of life we enjoy in our communities.

I’d like to reflect on some of the things we’ve accomplished this past year- from February 2003 to February 2004.

We saw the defeat of Tim’s initiative last year, Initiative 807, in July, after fighting it with our allies David Goldstein and Steve Zemke. We won, and Eyman’s measure never made it onto the ballot… his first initiative failure in four years.

We relaunched our site in July with a redesign, including new features, and content. We launched our new domain name,, to make our site more easily accessible. We continued to send messages to the media and to legislators about the defects in Tim’s plan.

Last spring, last summer, last fall, and last winter, we have been preparing to fight the 25% property tax initiative. It’s here, and we’re fighting. Opponents to I-860/I-864 filed a ballot title challenge and language challenge, causing Eyman to try and “back out” of his initiative and go for legal advice. Opponents also made the rounds with the media in December 2003. A surprised Tim was then confronted with questions from his ready opponents while he tried to reel off his latest proposal- the 25% property tax initiative.

Incredibly enough, Tim hasn’t even told his supporters about his filing of Initiative 860, or Initiative 864. That’s because he knows it’s being challenged and doesn’t want his people to even know it.

Just like when Tim shut them out in the dark for years about his pocketing of $165,000. Instead, Tim attempts to rouse fury and anger out of his supporters towards Washington government. One of the worst things about Tim’s across the board tax cuts is that it really penalizes the local governments doing a good job… the ones that can’t cut any “fat”. Tim thinks everyone should be accountable to his “standard”, but his proposals hurt the localities that are already efficient. This doesn’t make any sense!

With our alternative Homestead Exemption proposal, which was endorsed by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, we offer the means for real tax reform, not just the “slash and burn” advocated by Eyman and his fellow cronies. Eyman wants to burn down the “rainforest” so that the wealthy can use the land for cattle grazing.

That’s not our approach.

We want positive human interaction with the “rainforest”- an effective solution for Washington’s regressive tax system. Our proposal directly benefits middle and lower income families. It doesn’t give large windfalls to the rich as Tim’s proposal does.

Two years of opposing Eyman is a great track record. And we’re now excited to bring you January Launch, which commenced on January 30th. You can read all about it via the link from our home page. Please take the time to check out the new content.

January Launch goes live!


Today, Permanent Defense is introducing many new features as part of our January Launch update. Here’s a rundown of the changes we’ve made.

  • Higher resolution viewing. Got a 1024×768 resolution on your computer? You can now view Permanent Defense in a version tailored specifically for the higher resolution.
  • Archives improved. The existing archives were updated, renovated, and organized into folders, with new pages from last July’s renovation moved in. More pages were made available.
  • Broken links fixed. We fixed over a hundred broken or incomplete links on the site. If you find one we missed, contact us.
  • Public Services in Trouble. Check out the new Public Services in Trouble section, which highlights the threats to public services across the state and offers dozens of statistics and links for your information.
  • Homestead Exemption Center. The Homestead Exemption Center explains the proposal advocated by Permanent Defense which would balance the payment of property taxes but remain revenue neutral.
  • All new Interviews with Critics. Permanent Defense is proud to introduce new relevant questions and answers from some of Tim Eyman’s most noted critics about Tim’s latest proposal.
  • New Reasons to Oppose I-864. New initiative, new reasons. The Reasons to Oppose section is completely updated, with short summaries and facts on why you should be against Initiative 864.
  • New Essays. Read about why you should oppose Initiative 864, why Initiative 776’s precedent could have chilling effects for home rule, and why the Homestead Exemption is a good alternative.
  • New Design. You’ll notice the site uses Tahoma in the Essays section, which also has a brand new face and is more appealing and easier to navigate. The Links page was also slightly redesigned.
  • Important Updates. The Sound Transit page was brought up to speed, with new text and graphics. Editorials & Cartoons now has more columns and political cartoons for your enjoyment. Critics’ Voices was also updated with new quotes.

Eyman fails to crash union gubernatorial forum


Allies in opposition to Tim Eyman succeeded in stopping Eyman from breaking into a private union event and creating a scene. David Goldstein, of HorsesAss.Org, helped ensure that Tim’s plan to go into the “lion’s den” was foiled.

Tim had planned to bring a throng of supporters to ask questions of several Democratic and Republican candidates for governor. However, even though Tim was dressed in a fancy suit, he couldn’t get in. Goldstein, who helped alert the union to Tim’s plans, said the following of the event:

Originally, anybody could have just walked in, but they roped things off, checked ID, and hired extra security. They also talked to the media ahead of time, so if Tim had made a scene, they would be aware that he was crashing a private event.

Thanks to the work of opponents, Tim was prevented from rudely crashing another event intended for members only and wasn’t given the opportunity to rant in front of the press corps.

Tim Eyman’s antics demonstrate that he will go to any lengths to aggressively promote his badly-crafted plans- even attempting to interrupt private events.

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What we do

Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002

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