Category Archives: Endorsements

PTA opposes Initiative 985


The Washington State Parent Teacher Association is taking a stand against Initiative 985 because of its harmful impact to our state’s public schools.

Here’s an excerpt from their news release last Friday:

According to the Office of Financial Management, the initiative could result in as much as $665 million being diverted from the general fund over a five-year period…While some of the 18 board members were empathetic to the need to improve transportation, a significant majority voted to oppose the initiative because of concerns that the diversion of general fund moneys would result in unacceptable cuts to other programs, particularly K-12 education, health care and other programs that are important to children.

Initiative 985 actually does nothing to improve our transportation system. Instead, it makes traffic worse by opening HOV lanes during rush hour and forcing the state to spend a significant amount money on new highway lanes only. Vote NO on 985 and protect your community from the More Traffic Measure.

Tahoma Audubon joins NO on I-985 coalition


We’re pleased to announce a new member of the NO on I-985 Coalition today: The Tahoma Audubon Society, whose board voted last night to take a position against the More Traffic Measure.

Founded almost forty years ago, Tahoma Audubon’s mission is..

…to conserve and restore ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and earth’s biological diversity.

We strive to involve youth, families, and seniors in the discovery and protection of native habitat throughout Pierce County. We develop and offer year-round, family-based, nature education programming at the Tacoma Nature Center (Tacoma, WA), the Adriana Hess Audubon Center (University Place, WA), and at the Morse Wildlife Preserve (Graham, WA).

We organize and lead field trips throughout Puget Sound and the State. We also work to affect public policy at the city, county and state level to achieve our conservation goals.

The Tahoma Audubon Society’s mission is to conserve and restore ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and earth’s biological diversity.

The coalition against I-985 continues to get stronger by the day. If you belong to an organization that hasn’t joined yet, urge your governing board to take a position against this harmful initiative.

Washington State Labor Council endorses NO on Initiative 985


The Washington State Labor Council has announced that it is joining the diverse coalition of Washingtonians opposing Tim Eyman’s More Traffic Measure this fall:

Delegates to the Washington State Labor Council made additional election endorsements Wednesday at the 2008 WSLC Convention in Vancouver, including endorsing Terry Bergeson for Superintendent of Public Instruction, supporting several additional state legislative candidates, and opposing Tim Eyman’s Initiative 985, which creates a new government bureaucracy and diverts money away from real traffic solutions.

Initiative 985 counterintuitively wastes our existing money by forcing the state to widen highways and opening carpool lanes to everyone during rush hour. Vote NO on I-985.

What editorial boards are saying about I-960


Permanent Defense, the AARP, the League of Women Voters, Washington fire fighters, teachers, nurses, business and environmental groups – over 120 organizations statewide — all oppose Initiative 960 because it would paralyze our government.

Newspapers across Washington are urging their readers to vote NO on I-960:

The Yakima Herald Republic calls Tim Eyman’s I-960 a “cynical ploy” for limiting voter information.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer calls it “a straitjacket.”

The Columbian “strongly recommends a ‘No’ vote on I-960, joining a large chorus of organizations, public officials and other newspapers.”

The Tacoma News Tribune criticizes I-960’s “overly prescriptive mandates that could bog down the Legislature and the ballot.”

The Tri-City Herald says it would have “costly and overzealous outcomes” and concludes “I-960 just doesn’t make sense for Washington voters.”

The Walla Walla Union Bulletin says “I-960 should be rejected.”

The Olympian says I-960 will cost “taxpayers millions…” and call the requirement that legislators vote on nickel increases in fees “beyond reason.”

Washington Budget & Policy Center releases analysis of Initiative 960


An Olympia based think tank focusing on fiscal policy has published a new report confirming our arguments and conclusions about I-960:

A new analysis of Initiative 960 completed by the Budget & Policy Center finds that the initiative will not further widely shared goals of improving government accountability and transparency. Rather, if approved by the voters on the November ballot, I-960 will more likely undermine the ability of the state to formulate and implement rational and thoughtful responses to public priorities and will hinder responsible, efficient, and accountable policymaking.

Acting on widely shared values — for instance, the recent bipartisan decision to invest in early learning — could become significantly more difficult.

The report is available in PDF format.

Seattle Times editoralizes against I-960 lawsuit


The Seattle Times editorial board published a predictably lame editorial this morning denouncing the lawsuit filed by PD allies Futurewise and SEIU 775 to block Tim Eyman’s Initiative 960 from the ballot. The main gist of the whiny editorial was that the suit, which contends that I-960 is outside the scope of the initiative process, is essentially unfair.

David Goldstein has admirably deconstructed the Times’ editorial, which we’ve all anticipated was coming ever since the lawsuit was filed.

State GOP endorses Eyman’s I-960


Why did they do it? Well, because the Washington State Republican Party loves initiatives that conflict with our state’s Constitution.

Yesterday, at the state committee’s quarterly meeting, the Evergreen State GOP unanimously renewed its firm and unwavering commitment to the right wing agenda.

In other action Saturday, the Republicans voted to endorse Initiative 960, activist Tim Eyman’s latest attempt to rein in taxes.

The initiative, which needs about 225,000 valid signatures by July, would require a two-thirds vote in both houses of the Legislature for tax increases, or simple majority plus voter approval.

The snippet above comes from an Associated Press article about the meeting, held in Yakima (via the Longview Daily News).

The state GOP has an established tradition of endorsing right wing initiatives – and not just those sponsored by Tim Eyman. Those Republicans who wonder why they’re losing need look no further than their party’s endorsement of I-960 yesterday, the latest exhibit in why the GOP won’t be taking over the statehouse anytime soon.

For more information on the harmful consequences of this disaster, visit Reasons to Oppose Initiative 960.

Seattle Chamber of Commerce votes to oppose I-917


The Executive Committee of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce recently voted (on May 24th, 2006) to oppose Tim Eyman’s Initiative 917, which would destroy some $2.7 billion dollars of sorely needed, statewide transportation funding.

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce unanimously opposes Initiative 917 (I-917), an initiative which will likely be before voters in November 2006. This initiative’s negative impact is far-reaching, threatening our region’s social and environmental health as well as its economic health. It would repeal the fee portion of last year’s $8.5 billion Transportation Partnership funding package, repeal much of the multi-modal funding allotted in the 2003 Nickel package, undercut Sound Transit’s ability to collect MVET, and strip RTID of its MVET authority, making it almost exclusively reliant on the sales tax and jeopardizing its ability to craft a balanced and successful package that would complete our region’s most at-risk projects. If approved by voters, the Transportation Revenue Forecast Council estimates that transportation revenue would be reduced by $2.7 billion over the next 16 years.

Last year, the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce helped lead a broad coalition of business, labor and environmental organizations to lobby the state legislature for a significant increase in transportation funding. The $8.5 billion transportation funding package that resulted was the Chamber’s number one legislative priority accomplished during that session. The package addresses unsafe and deteriorating roads and bridges throughout Washington State, and provides the multimodal infrastructure improvements that will ensure the safety and productivity of our state’s businesses and their employees. On July 13, 2005, the Chamber’s Board of Trustees opposed Initiative 912 which would have repealed the gas tax portion of that package. The Chamber played a central role in the campaign that successfully defeated Initiative 912. Initiative 917 would repeal the fee portion of this package as well as reduce other local revenues and funding options. Discussion Initiative 917 specifically: Reduces license tab fees to $30 per year for vehicles weighing 20,000 pounds or less. Repeals or reduces a number of fees including truck fees, vehicle weight fees & license plate fees. Removes a portion of the motor vehicle sales tax. Changes the vehicle valuation method for tax and fee purposes from manufacturer’s suggested retail price to a depreciation schedule based on purchase price. Repeals select local and RTID motor vehicle taxes and fees authorized for voter approval. Retires several outstanding bonds that have pledged the motor vehicle excise tax. Places major transportation improvements at risk, including: Viaduct, SR520, Sound Transit, and RTID.

The Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce believes our region’s future economic health and the well-being of our communities is fundamentally linked to an efficient transportation infrastructure. The abilityto move people and goods through mass transportation and road improvements must be enhanced in ourregion to improve our economic vitality and quality of life. In addition, hundreds of hazardous bridges and roadways in Washington are in need of repair including the Alaskan Way Viaduct. This initiative would repeal critical transportation funding, therefore the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce opposes Initiative 917.

WSLC endorses NO on Initiative 917


Hundreds of union delegates from aross Washington gathered in SeaTac just last Saturday for the Washington State Labor Council’s (WSLC) 2006 Convention of the Committee on Political Education (COPE). Delegates voted to endorse NO on Initiative 917 and DECLINE TO SIGN on Referendum 65.

Delegates also endorsed NO on Initiative 933, the initiative that creates loopholes for wealthy developers, and Initiative 920, which would repeal the state income tax. It’s good to see the WSLC take an early position against this year’s crop of right wing initiatives.

Washington State GOP Won’t Touch Eyman


Washingon Sate’s new GOP chairman is Diane Tebelius, a tough Republican lawyer who really wants to be called chairman. The Stranger grilled her on her party’s intent to support Tim Eyman’s initiatives in November. Here was her reply:

Does your party support Tim Eyman’s attempts to repeal the gay civil rights bill?
The party is taking no position publicly on any of the initiatives right now.

Do you see a way in which the Republican Party would come out against Eyman’s repeal measures?
I don’t see a way that they would come out against them. But I don’t know that they would come out for them.

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