Category Archives: Statements & Advisories

Statement on Initiative 848

Ballot WatchdoggingStatements & Advisories

Tim Eyman’s frustration with his poorly written initiatives and terrible public policy has led him to write a shortsighted, egocentric initiative that is clearly motivated only by one thing: his anger at a public agency that has worked very hard to turn itself around and is now moving ahead with the support of the President of the United States, coincidentally from Eyman’s own party.

Tim Eyman will never understand that initiatives are not a citizen’s tool to strip away government. The initiative process exists to help citizens make government work better. This latest scheme is a Valentine’s Day blitzkrieg on Sound Transit… and it needs to be stopped.

Refuse to support the latest lie from Tim, which would ask voters statewide to vote on a locally funded, locally enacted project.

Filing initiatives to halt public projects because you don’t like them (even if you’re not paying for them) is blatantly ridiculous and unconstitutional.

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