Washington NOT eighth highest taxed state, Permanent Defense calls on Tim Eyman to stop misleading the public

Rethinking and Reframing

Permanent Defense, a project of the Northwest Progressive Institute founded in 2002 to neutralize attacks on Washington’s quality of life, today called on professional initiative profiteeer Tim Eyman to stop misleading the public and distorting the truth about Washington State’s tax structure.

In a post authored on the Northwest Progressive Institute’s principal publication, the NPI Advocate, NPI’s executive director, Andrew Villeneuve, skewered Eyman’s ongoing and false claim that Washington is one of the highest taxed states in the nation.

Every year Tim Eyman makes a big deal out of claiming the sky is falling and the people of Washington are overtaxed compared to residents of other states.

Some years Eyman has claimed we’re the fourth highest taxed state; other years he has claimed we’re the second highest. Now it’s the eighth highest.

Somehow, despite the implementation of two of his terrible initiatives by the Legislature – which have destroyed billions of dollars in funding for public services – we have remained in his mythical top ten.

NPI/Permanent Defense request that journalists not print or reproduce in any way Eyman’s claims as facts. Eyman’s email this evening should be treated as discredited hyperbole not fit for public consumption.

The Washington State Department of Revenue has already released a statement calling the rankings that Eyman refers to misleading:

The only accurate way to compare tax burdens is by comparing both state and local taxes among states. By that measure, Washington ranks 19th-highest per capita and 35th-highest in taxes as a percentage of personal income.

Economists generally prefer measuring as a percentage of personal income because it takes into account economic activity and demand for services. Rankings have become a popular staple among certain national publications, but they can be misleading. The most recent Forbes ranking is one of those.

Permanent Defense’s initial analysis of Initiative 1033 may be found in the PD archives.

Permanent Defense responds to Eyman’s submission of signatures for jobs killing Initiative 1033

Statements & AdvisoriesThreat Analysis

This morning in Olympia, professional initiative profiteer Tim Eyman submitted signatures for his latest scheme to wreck Washington – Initiative 1033, which would result in job losses across The Evergreen State.

“Our economy is extraordinarily fragile right now,” noted Northwest Progressive Institute Executive Director Andrew Villeneuve. (Permanent Defense is a project of the Northwest Progressive Institute). “Initiative 1033 would wipe out any chance of a quick recovery from this recession by destroying jobs across our state.”

If Initiative 1033 passes, cities and counties will have no choice but to start laying off public servants – if they haven’t already.

Such layoffs would not only weaken public services and our quality of life, but they would cause a ripple effect. A rise in unemployment, especially in Washington’s small towns, would further destabilize the economy and only lead to more competition for a scarce number of new jobs that don’t pay as well.

“Washingtonians need to understand that Initiative 1033 is a jobs killer,” Villeneuve added. “It’s a cynical, destructive idea that would wreak havoc on our communities. The pain that so many are feeling now from the Legislature’s dehumanizing budget cuts would be cruelly extended and deepened with the passage of Initiative 1033.”

“We simply cannot afford for this measure to pass. That’s why Permanent Defense, along with a wide and diverse coalition of other organizations fighting for the public interest, will be working hard in the weeks and months ahead to ensure that the people of this great state know the consequences of Initiative 1033.”

Defeating Initiative 1033…


Voters defeated Tim Eyman’s Initiative 985 last November. But now Tim Eyman is back with a new initiative that would wreak havoc on our state’s economy, resulting in more layoffs and lost jobs. To learn more about the effort to convince voters to say NO on Initiative 1033 please visit Permanent Defense.

Initiative 985 Defeated!

Congratulations, Washington State.

Voters, give yourselves a big pat on the back for rejecting Initiative 985, a measure that would have harmed our communities and lengthened our commute. I-985’s demise means our buses

Permanent Defense responds to Eyman’s 2009 anti-prosperity initiative

Statements & AdvisoriesThreat Analysis

The Northwest Progressive Institute today responded to the filing of Tim Eyman’s anti-prosperity initiative for 2009 in Olympia by announcing it will vigorously oppose the measure through its Permanent Defense project. I-1033, if it became law, would have a horrific impact on Washington State.

“Washingtonians have a long and cherished tradition of pooling our resources and working together for shared prosperity,” NPI Executive Director Andrew Villeneuve remarked. “This initiative would destroy our common wealth, making it almost impossible for us to improve our schools, create new jobs, or provide healthcare to children who aren’t covered.”

Villeneuve explained that Eyman’s measure would have a detrimental impact because it would paralyze government’s ability to respond to the basic needs of the people by imposing an ill-conceived, artificial limit on spending.

“Our democratic government, which belongs to each of us, exists so that we can do for ourselves collectively what we can’t accomplish alone,” Villeneuve added. “Revitalizing our economy and rebuilding our infrastructure will take a team effort. We need our government to be there for us in these tough economic times. Washington must reject this cynical and shameless attack on our future.”

NPI and its Permanent Defense division, which opposes misguided and harmful initiatives in Washington State, are initiating research into Eyman’s 2009 measure to learn more about the specific harm it would do to neighborhoods across the Evergreen State. Research will begin immediately.

Statement on the overwhelming defeat of I-985

Election PostmortemStatements & Advisories

Today the people of the State of Washington sent a loud, clear message to perennial right wing initiative sponsor Tim Eyman: We’re sick of traffic and we don’t agree that the solution to our transportation mess is diverting money from our schools to pay for bigger and wider highways.

“We’re thrilled with the results,” said Andrew Villeneuve, Executive Director of the Northwest Progressive Institute (and Chair of Permanent Defense). “We’ve been working tirelessly over the last few months to educate voters about the consequences of this ill-conceived initiative. Today all that hard work paid off with an incredible victory.”

“We congratulate the people of Washington for making a wise and forward-thinking decision.”

Permanent Defense challenges Tim Eyman to reschedule carpool lane “victory lap” if I-985 passes

From the Campaign TrailRethinking and ReframingStatements & Advisories

Over the last few weeks, more and more voters have been taking a closer look at Initiative 985… and they don’t like what they see.

Sponsored by Washington’s version of Grover Norquist,  Initiative 985 is a recipe for transportation disaster. If enacted, the measure would open high occupancy vehicle lanes during rush hour in Puget Sound, paralyzing the bus system, slowing emergency response vehicles, and potentially forcing the closure of federally funded transit access ramps on highways.

(I-985 would also steal hundreds of millions of dollars away from the general fund, which pays for our schools and first responders, making our state’s projected deficit far worse and canceling some of the savings implemented by Governor Chris Gregoire).

Several weeks ago, the Seattle Times reported: “Eyman is so certain voters will approve the initiative in November’s election he’s planning a ‘Freedom Drive’ on Dec. 4 with a sign on his pickup saying, ‘Drive in this lane. You paid for it.'”

In the event that Initiative 985 is approved and takes effect – which remains a possibility, albeit one that has been diminishing in likelihood with every passing day – the Permanent Defense team challenges sponsor Tim Eyman and his cohorts to reschedule their convoy for the next day – December 5th, 2008, at 6 PM, on SR 520 in Bellevue.

That’s when the westbound carpool lane, restricted today to vehicles carrying three or more people, would be open to everyone – and subequently filled.

During the middle of rush hour.

If Tim Eyman and his friends accept our challenge, we promise to show up to provide publicity. We would be more than happy to station ourselves on the pedestrian overpass near Evergreen Point and take video/pictures of Eyman’s convoy as it waits in the infamous Lake Washington Line, crawling towards the water.

Though it would be cold and dark, we would have our cameras ready as Eyman’s pickup slowly rolled under us, foot by foot, trapped behind a packed Sound Transit bus that’s running behind schedule because it’s been stuck in traffic.

For that is the future of the commute for thousands of people in Puget Sound who are certain to end up spending more time in their cars and less time with their families if Initiative 985 passes and takes effect.

We urge voters to reject that future, and reject Tim Eyman’s selfish, thoughtless, me-first approach to public policy. Our high occupancy vehicle lanes – like the parking spaces we’ve set aside for disabled Americans – are a valuable resource that encourages people to commute together. Taking that resource away would unfairly punish people who are already doing their part to reduce gridlock.

Just as it wouldn’t make sense to open federally-mandated parking spaces for the disabled to everyone most of the time, it doesn’t make sense to allow solo drivers to use our HOV system during Tim Eyman’s incorrect definition of “off peak hours”.

It would be tantamount to paying people to drive.

Traffic is already bad enough. Our projected budget deficit is already bad enough. And our schools are already underfunded.

Washington State just can’t afford Initiative 985.

Newspapers across Washington agree: NO on Initiative 985!


Newspaper editorial boards across Washington State are coming out in force against Initiative 985 because of the harm it would inflict upon our communities.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Seattle Times, The Stranger, the Yakima-Herald Republic, Spokane Spokesman-Review, Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Tacoma News Tribune, Vancouver Columbian, Everett Herald, Columbia Basin Herald, and many, many more newspapers urge you to vote NO on Initiative 985.

To read excerpts from editorials, check out our newly updated Press section.

Seattle Chamber: I-985 a step backwards


The Board of the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce recently voted to oppose Initiative 985 because the increased traffic I-985 would create isn’t good for our workforce or our economy. Here are a few of the concerns cited by the chamber in its opposition statement:

Negative fiscal impact: The state’s Office of Financial Management estimates that I-985 would redirect approximately $600 million in state funds over five years. This could push the state budget deficit past $3 billion, which runs counter to the Chamber’s longstanding support for statewide fiscal responsibility and is unwise in a time of economic uncertainty. I-985 could also harm the state’s already stretched transit agencies, stripping an estimated $20 million over five years in federal transit funds as a result of opening HOV lanes to all traffic during non-peak hours. Additionally, the new account mandated by I-985 specifically bans the use of its funds for park and ride lots, ferries, buses and rail.

Untenable situation for SR 520 and I-90: The Chamber is playing a central role in the 520 mediation process. Although substantial progress has been made, financing the replacement continues to be an open question. Most finance plans assume more than $1 billion will be generated by tolls. Tolling 520 and not I-90, as this initiative would mandate, could have disastrous results for regional congestion.

Traffic light synchronization: Many cities across the state have already enacted the synchronization mandated by this initiative. Currently, fines from red light violations go to those cities or local jurisdictions. Under the initiative, they would be redirected to the new state “Reduce Traffic Congestion Account.” While this account does allow funds to be spent on synchronization, cities and local jurisdictions that have already installed cameras stand to lose $40 million over the next five years.

 The NO on 985 Coalition is a diverse group of Washingtonians from many different backgrounds fighting to preserve and enhance the Evergreen State’s quality of life.

Why gutting our high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes is a bad idea


If Initiative 985 is approved, high occupancy vehicle (or carpool) lanes will be open to everyone at almost all hours of the day, including rush hour.

This would dramatically worsen traffic and lead to an increase in commute times for families all over Puget Sound.

The goals of the HOV system, as defined by the Department of Transportation, are:

  • To maximize the people-carrying capacity of the freeway system by providing incentives to use buses, vanpools and carpools.
  • To provide capacity for future travel growth.
  • To help reduce transportation-related pollution and dependency on fossil fuels.

Gutting HOV lanes would paralyze our bus system and deliberately punish those Washingtonians who are doing their part to reduce traffic and reduce carbon emissions by riding motorcycles or traveling together in a carpool or vanpool. That’s a step in the wrong direction that will hurt each and every one of us who shares the road.

We can’t afford for our traffic to get any worse. That’s why we have to reject I-985.

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Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

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