Eye on Money

Money is what powers Tim Eyman’s initiative factory and permits powerful right wing lobbies to collect hundreds of thousands of signatures in just a few short weeks to force public votes on schemes to wreck government. Eye on Money is Permanent Defense’s tool for tracking contributions and expenditures to harmful ballot measures.

The instruments of direct democracy — put into place a hundred years ago to give citizens a way to combat the influence of robber barons and wealthy tycoons — are now ironically being used by the wealthy and by powerful corporations to trick us into approving measures that benefit them at the expense of our common wealth and our quality of life. It’s a sorry state of affairs, but not one we have to accept.

Tim Eyman’s current sources of funding

The following chart shows where contributions to Tim Eyman’s campaign committee have been coming from since the new year began.

Last revised: August 2018

Data: Public Disclosure Commission | Chart: Northwest Progressive Institute


  • Campaign starting balance: $20,090.38
  • Contributions: $86,547.17
  • Loans: $450,000.00
  • Total: $556,637.55

Who are the wealthy benefactors?

The following periodically-updated chart shows Tim Eyman’s all-time top contributors, ranked by amount given. The chart reflects data from all committees controlled by Tim Eyman, plus committees set up to benefit Eyman’s schemes.

Last revised: May 2016

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The top eleven all time wealthy benefactors, from Public Disclosure Commission records…
Benefactor Total Claim to fame
Michael Dunmire $3,117,194 One of the founders of Benchmark Plus, a Tacoma-based hedge fund. He is now deceased.
Kemper Freeman, Jr. $1,411,000 Owner of The Bellevue Collection (Bellevue Square + Bellevue Place + Lincoln Square), well known developer.
Clyde Holland $563,000 A wealthy right wing developer based in Vancouver, Washington
Beer Institute $400,000 A front for giant corporations like InBev that make alcoholic beverages
Great Canadian Gaming $236,293.99 A shady foreign gambling conglomerate that owns four casinos in Washington and many more in Canada.
Michaels Development $206,422 Describes itself as a “marketing services, media partnership and advertising agency”.
British Petroleum (BP) $200,000 One of the world’s largest oil companies, owns a refinery at Cherry Point. Responsible for Deepwater Horizon disaster.
Tesoro $200,000 One of the world’s largest oil companies, owns a refinery plagued by safety violations in Anacortes.
ConocoPhillips $185,000 One of the world’s largest oil companies, owns a refinery in Ferndale.
Equilon/Shell $150,000 One of the world’s largest oil companies, owns a refinery in Anacortes.
Wes Lematta $109,500 Former chairman of Columbia Helicopters, now deceased (1927-2009).
American Beverage Association $100,000 Corporate front for Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

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Permanent Defense works to protect Washington by building a first line of defense against threats to the common wealth and Constitution of the Evergreen State — like Brian Heywood's initiative factory. Learn more.

Protecting Washington Since 2002